Thursday, February 16, 2017

                                                             Between Us
Im Aubrey and this is my sister Alice were on our way to are first day at a new school, It was the first day of high school for me and my sister Alice, we are going to Skyler High school, we were in a rush because we didn’t want to be late on the first day. We got to school and went to the counselor's office and she gave us our class schedules and we headed to class. We went to all are classes before lunch, than we got to lunch which i made a friend named Samantha but Alice didn’t make any yet, but she’s shy and doesn’t talk a lot so it may take her sometime. I told her she could sit with me and Samantha when ever she wants, Samantha has blond hair, with hazel eyes my sister and I are pretty close and we get along well. Are parents work a lot so we don't see them often, they work at night a lot to, so it's always been Alice and I to make dinner for ourselves while they're gone at night.
Im Aubrey a 16 year old girl, who just became a 11th grader in high school, my little sister is Alice she is a 14 year old in 9th grade, she is my only sibling we live with our mom named Sarah and dad named James, we just moved to a new town for the first time. It was one day after school one day when I was driving home with Alice from school, we were at a red light when it turned green we went as we were going another
Amber Bronson ELA P.5 Mr.Persinger February 7th 2017
car from the other direction was speeding towards us. I don’t remember much my leg was stuck under the steering wheel Alice was passed out because she hit her head on the dashboard. I remember the car speeding towards us as we hit the car i remember Alice screaming, and then I turned the wheel but we hit too hard the car went off road. I don’t remember what happened next, I woke up and my leg was stuck and my head was hurting I saw the other car, and it was in the road with a few scratch marks on it but they people looked okay. I couldn’t find my phone i was yelling at the cars driving by, when a man and woman stopped and pulled next to us I told them I was in a lot of pain and my leg was stuck, they call 911.
As the police and ambulance showed up, they helped me out of the car but my leg was broken, my sister was not waking up and all I could do was call my parents. I took them I was okay, I just broke my leg, but Alice didn’t seem okay she looked but we drove to the hospital where we had our Aunt came, because our parents were out of town, they were in New York City for a business meeting and we were staying with our Aunt for the week. They gave me a cast and they said Alice was in surgery but i didn’t know what happened to her. My Aunt said she will be fine but I didn’t believe her, I thought I had lost my best friend, she was just my little sister how could I have let this happen to her. I felt like it was all my fault, I blamed myself for a while. I asked my Aunt if the people in the other car were okay and if anyone was hurt, but she said they we fine just a head injury but nothing serious. I couldn’t believe I was alive, I was scared as
about 2 hours passed the doctor came out and told me that she just got out of surgery and needed rest, she was still sleeping but we could see her.
I went in her room and saw her on the bed sleeping, I sat in the chair for hours waiting for her to wake up but she didn’t wake up and i didn’t know why so i asked the doctor as he came in the room to check on her. He said
‘’You can wait as long as you want but she’s going to be sleeping a while...’’ ‘’What do you mean i thought she was okay!?’’ Aubrey said
‘’She’ an a comma, i’m sorry she hit her head hard, we don’t know when she will wake up, she could sleep for weeks, months, years...’’ Dr.Young said
‘’She’s...she’s in a comma what! NO no, i can't loose her she’s the only person I have... wake her up!’’ Aubrey said
‘’I’m sorry, but we can’t do that, she is going to be okay we just have to keep her in the hospital for a while, you should go home and get some rest, you're going to need it if you want to visit her tomorrow’’ Dr.Young said
My Aunt drove me to her and house and told me she went to go pick my parents up from the airport, they go a flight home. I feel asleep for a while, and when I woke up no one was home, I was really confused and kept looking at the clock, I checked the whole house but no one was there, I yelled upstairs to see if anyone would answer but it was quiet not a work. I called a car, and got a ride to the hospital to see my sister when I got there my parents were asleep in the waiting room, and my Aunt was getting food for them. I ran over and said i was sorry about 30 times, they hugged me and told me it's not my fault they were just glad to see us both alive. I’ve never been so hurt and in
so much pain from something, my sister was the world to me and now i have to see her really sick and i didn’t even know if she was going to wake up or if i would see her again
The next day i went home with my parents and we brought Alice home, she was in the hospital bed still because she was still in a comma and the doctors said that it may help if she comes home. I went in her room and saw her in there, she just layed there with her eyes closed, when the home nurse came in she told me to leave so she could give her medicine. As a few weeks than, a month passed I didn’t go to school I was still in my cast and i just sat in my room all day, I would sit on the computer and do online school on weekdays and weekends just sit in bed. I didn’t eat much and I didn’t talk to anyone, I was so mad at myself and i wanted to be in my own world some days my parents would try to convince me to go outside but i didn’t want to. I would sit in my sisters room in write in my journal, tell her what was happening if she ever woke up.
My parents would fight at night, yelling and screaming I would heard them say we didn’t have the money for the medical bills one night. I knew they are planning on getting a divorce because mom would make dad sleep on the couch every night and in the morning they would act like nothing was wrong when everything was wrong. Mom hasn’t worn her ring in a while she just hides it in her dresser and when I ask she says it’s getting resized at the jeweler. After about 4 months i went back to school and talked to my parents once in awhile I wrote in my journal everyday for months for Alice, I would get home from school and tell Alice about my day like she was listening to every word
but she couldn’t talk back. One morning I woke up, to see my parents standing at the end of the bed, I didn’t know why but i was confused and just looked at them.
They said they needed to talk to me and I though, Alice was a wake but she wasn’t I went into the living room where we sat down and they said that they were getting a divorce and dad was moving into an apartment a couple blocks away. Mom said that I would stay with her on weekdays and dad on weekends, but he is going to be taking a trip to Europe for a month to take a break. There was a lot going through my head and I didn’t know what to say I told her that I was okay with it but i wasn’t and I didn’t want dad to go to Europe i was scared and didn’t have anyone, not my mom, not my dad, or sister. I went to my room and wrote in my journal till dinner, dad was packing his bags and said there was a moving truck coming tomorrow, he was catching a plane tomorrow to Europe. I pretended to sleep so I didn’t have to sit at the table with them and have a awkward last dinner while my sister was in bed for 4 months.
Dad left about a week ago, mom has 2 jobs because we can’t afford are bills it’s been weird around the house and i’m just trying to get through high school, I wish you would wake up now it’s been hard. I’m going to do my homework right now in your pink chair in your room, mom is at work till 12pm and she gave me a frozen pizza for dinner. We used to eat these all the time, i’m not hungry tonight i think i’m just going to go to bed for now, my days get repetitive and I get picked on in school but i’m fine or at least that's what I keep telling myself when I can't make it through the day. Samantha and I
have not talked in awhile because she can’t be seen around school with me, because i’m the talk of the school apparently. When I was young I didn’t want a sister, I hated that she got all the attention and i wanted the spotlight but as I got older I found that she copied everything i do and she wanted to be like me.
Now that she is in coma i feel like a part of me is missing, we are so close in age and we did a lot together even though sometimes we would fight you always had my back and i had your. That night everything that i wrote in my journal i told my sister, I don’t know if she was listening but I wanted to tell her anyway i feel asleep on her chair and woke up at 11am and no one was in the room it was like Alice was gone but when I ran to the kitchen there she was sitting on the bar stool with mom making her pancakes. At first I thought I was dreaming but it was not a dream it was Alice alive and a wake, we hugged and ate breakfast together and talked for hours since she was gone for 5 months there was a lot to talk about. Mom told her about the divorce and dad was on a flight coming home to see her, but she said something to me as we went to her room.
‘’I don’t need to catch up I heard everything, everyday all the stories you told me and i just remember laying there trying to talk but I couldn’t, it was like a nightmare where you can’t talk or run.’’ said Alice
‘’That’s weird I didn’t know you could here me I was just trying to talk to my sister..’’ Aubrey said
‘’Well, i’m here now and i’m not going anywhere anytime soon.’’ Alice said ‘’That’s for sure’’ Aubrey said with a smile on her face

The rest of the night we talked for hours watched movies and stayed up late hanging out, i missed my sister so much so it was nice to talk to her again. She said some weird things about her coma, like she was in another world and there was a girl there that led her back home. The girl was about Alice’s age and was in a plane crash and was the only one that lived, we think she was in the hospital still in a coma and she wanted to find her way back but she has no one left to come back to. She was lost and didn’t know if she wanted to make her way home, because her parents were on the plane and died and all she has is her drunk uncle who drinks all night and sleeps all day, so she has to take care of herself. She was on the plane flying to Florida for her birthday at a beach house when the plane crashed and she was the only one who was alive. She said she remembered what she was wearing, shorts, with a tank top and flip flops, she was really excited to go to Florida and her dad had been saving up money for her to go.
She didn’t have many friends, and no one really liked her, she had a hard time finding friends in school and she was really quiet and shy, at lunch she would sit in the bathroom and eat or read because she didn’t want to face the mean girls. She was okay being by herself though and didn’t mind, but she was glad Alice was there with her and was going to help her get home to see her family. They hung out for months and became really good friends, they got to know each other better and were the only ones in this world. I was just glad Alice was home and was excited to spend everyday with her because i felt so bad but Alice told me it was not my fault and I didn’t need to worry.